How does the SEAS-GC fit in with the other councils on campus?

Differences between SEAS-GC, GSC, and HGPSG

  • SEAS-GC: THIS IS US! SEAS specific graduate student council; tries to unite all areas within SEAS and acts as the liaison between graduate students, SEAS administration, and the wider Harvard community.

  • GSAS GSC (Graduate Student Council): The graduate student council serving and representing all graduate students at Harvard (who are affiliated with GSAS), but not professional students (such as M.D., J.D., MBA, etc.). PhD students in professional schools are considered to be under GSC.

  • HGC (Harvard Graduate Council): The Harvard-wide council serving and representing all graduate and professional students in Harvard to administration.

Where are your governing docs?

Governing Documents


This definines who we are, they types of activities we support, our general model for getting involved, and some other administrative things.


These lay out our values, what we stand for, and how these manifest themselves in how we operate.
